A $226,400 Rural Development grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will enable the to complete their public safety radio dispatch system. | Stock Photo
A $226,400 Rural Development grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will enable the to complete their public safety radio dispatch system. | Stock Photo
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA) recently awarded Walla Walla Emergency Services Communications (WESCOM) a Community Facilities Direct Loans and Grants program grant of $226,400 for making improvements to public safety radio communications in the northern portion of Walla Walla County.
A list of recent USDA Rural Development awards shows that WESCOM was awarded the $226,400 grant on Aug. 3.
As the county’s 911 public safety answering point, WESCOM dispatches Walla Walla Police, College Place Police, Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Office, and most of the county’s fire and ambulance services, according to coverage by KNDU 25. The current radio dispatch system maintained by WESCOM has five remote sites to provide radio coverage, as the original plan calling for seven sites was not implemented due to a funding shortfall.
A previous USDA grant helped to pay for a sixth site near Prescott, and this grant will enable WESCOM to complete the system, according to KNDU 25.